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Car Accidents, Negligence & Compensation for Victims: FAQs (Pt. 1)

On Behalf of | Aug 20, 2014 | Blog, Car Accidents

No matter how careful a driver you may be, it’s impossible for you to know how responsible and careful other drivers on the road are. Tragically, other drivers’ negligence – and a number of other factors – often contribute to car accidents, property damage and serious injuries.

When you are ready to learn more about your rights after car accidents, check out these car accident FAQs or contact the attorneys at Joe M. Reed & Associates.

When you are ready to learn more about your rights after car accidents, check out these car accident FAQs or contact the attorneys at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC.

In fact, as regulators at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report:

  • One car accident takes place in the U.S. every 10 seconds.
  • Most motorists will be in at least one car accident every 5 years.
  • More than 90 percent of these car accidents are caused by some type of human error.

Given the high probability that you will be in at least one car accident in your lifetime, check out the following car accident FAQs to learn more about when you may be entitled to compensation after traffic collisions. When you are ready to receive more specific info and professional advice regarding your rights after car accidents, contact the Montgomery and Birmingham car accident attorneys at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC.

Q – What is negligence and how can it cause car accidents?

A – Negligence, in terms of personal injury law, specifically refers to the failure of some party to live up to his duty of care. In general, a person is considered to have acted negligently when he has failed to act with the same amount or level of care that any other reasonable person would have employed in the same (or a similar) situation.

In terms of car accidents, the negligence that contributes to these collisions can come in many forms (and be enacted by various parties). Driver negligence, however, is by far the most common form of negligence that plays a role in causing car accidents.

Some specific examples of driver negligence include (but are not limited to):

  • Driving drunk
  • Driving without a license
  • Failing to pay attention to the road
  • Failing to comply with basic traffic laws.

Q – How do I know if negligence was involved in my accident?

A – Although it may be obvious when negligence has caused a car accident in cases that involve drunk driving (for example), the involvement of negligence may not always be so apparent – especially when it may pertain to defective vehicle equipment, whether another driver may have been distracted, etc.

As a result, if you are wondering whether negligence may have contributed to a car accident in which you were injured, contact an experienced attorney for a comprehensive, professional case evaluation.

Make sure to look for the additional parts of this blog series that will be posted soon! They will provide some more important info about car accident cases and compensation.

Montgomery and Birmingham Car Accident Attorneys at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC

After being hurt in any type of motor vehicle accident, you can turn to the Montgomery and Birmingham car accident lawyers at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC. For more than 16 years, we have been committed to the pursuit of justice in every case we oversee.

By trusting us to represent you, you can rest assured that our skilled and dependable Montgomery and Birmingham car accident attorneys will build you a strong case, will stand up for your rights at every step of the legal process and will work relentlessly to resolve your case as favorably as possible.

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Schedule a meeting today with one of our lawyers by calling us at 334-834-2000 or by emailing us using the contact form at the top of this page. Initial consultations are free in most cases, and evening and weekend appointments are available for your convenience.