No one enjoys getting involved in the stress of settlement negotiations and legal actions. If you suffer a relatively minor car accident, and the other driver offers you a sum of cash in exchange for waving your right to sue, it might be tempting to accept their offer...
Car Accident Insurance Claims
Car Accident Claims: 6 Facts to Know about Dealing with Insurers (Pt. 3)
Wrapping up our three-part blog series Car Accident Claims: 6 Facts to Know about Dealing with Insurers, below we will conclude our discussion about what people should be aware of when it comes time to submit car accident claims to their insurance companies. Fact 5 – Insurers’ denials of car accident claims are NOT the final word in these cases.…
Car Accident Claims: 6 Facts to Know about Dealing with Insurers (Pt. 2)
Continuing from where we left off in Car Accident Claims: 6 Facts to Know about Dealing with Insurers (Pt. 1)¸ here we will point out some more important things people should be aware of when it comes time to submit car accident claims to their insurers. Fact 3 – What claimants say to insurers when making car accident claims is…
Car Accident Claims: 6 Facts to Know about Dealing with Insurers (Pt. 1)
When submitting car accident claims to insurers, you should know that insurers are not on your side. Call us for superior representation after car accidents. Car accidents are an unfortunate and sometimes unavoidable part of life, especially when people drive on a daily basis. While there may be little you can do to control the actions of other motorists and…