Every day citizens and criminal suspects are protected from unreasonable searches from law enforcement in places where they have the right to expect privacy by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This applies to people, homes, property and businesses. Law...
Asset Forfeiture
Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws Overhauled to Check Police Power (Pt. 2)
Resuming Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws Overhauled to Check Police Power (Pt. 1), here, we will continue our discussion regarding these recent changes to federal statutes. While the first part of this blog series focused on pointing out the changes to and support for...
Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws Overhauled to Check Police Power (Pt. 1)
Earlier this month, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced some significant changes to civil asset forfeiture laws that will now put some better checks in place on law enforcement officials’ power when taking people’s property as part of an “investigation.” In...