Wrapping up our three-part blog series Car Accident Claims: 6 Facts to Know about Dealing with Insurers, below we will conclude our discussion about what people should be aware of when it comes time to submit car accident claims to their insurance companies.
Fact 5 – Insurers’ denials of car accident claims are NOT the final word in these cases.

The most important fact to know about car accident claims is that working with Joe M. Reed & Associates will give you the best chances of obtaining the full amount of the payouts you deserve.
Unfortunately, some people who have legitimate car accident claims may end up being notified that their insurer has denied their claim and will not be paying them anything for their accident. Common excuses or “reasons” that insurers may give for denying car accident claims can include (but are not limited to):
- A lapse in premium payments
- A late payment on a policy
- A “material misrepresentation” on the policy application
- A person having caused or contributed to the accident.
For many people, news that their car accident claims has been denied can be as shocking as it is distressing. However, these individuals should be aware of the facts that:
- A denial of their car accident claims is not necessarily the end of their case.
- They can file appeals and try to get their cases reopened so that they are able to obtain the payouts they likely deserve.
- Insurers are typically counting on people not knowing about or being willing to appeal their denied car accident claims.
- Having a skilled attorney prepare and submit appeals to denied car accident claims will typically be the best way to ensure payouts are ultimately received in these cases.
Fact 6 – Trust your car accident claims to our attorneys to ensure you are able to obtain the full amount of compensation to which you are entitled.
Of all of the facts discussed so far in this blog series, the single most important fact people should remember when it comes to dealing with insurers and submitting car accident claims is that claimants will have the best chances of obtaining the full amount of the payouts to which they are entitled by having one of the skilled Birmingham and Montgomery car accident attorneys at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC represent them.
Our attorneys are skilled at dealing with insurers, and we know how to challenge them when they may try to weasel out of paying our clients the compensation they deserve for their valid car accident claims. Instead of trying to deal with insurers on your own after collisions, let us do this for you so you can focus on your recovery while resting assured that you will get the payouts you deserve as soon as reasonably possible.
Montgomery and Birmingham Car Accident Attorneys at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC
After a car accident, you can count on the Montgomery and Birmingham car accident lawyers at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC to be aggressive advocates for your rights. For more than 16 years, we have been dedicated to the pursuit of justice in every case we oversee, and our experience, dedication and extensive knowledge of the law makes us effective at helping our clients obtain the best possible outcomes to their important legal matters.
Contact Us
Let’s discuss your case and rights during an initial consultation. To schedule this meeting today, call us at 334-834-2000, or email us using the contact form at the top of this page. Initial consultations are free in most cases, and evening and weekend appointments are available for your convenience.