Joe Reed & Associates, LLC Attorneys At Law
Montgomery, Mobile and Birmingham AL
Experienced Counsel
You Can Rely On To Truly Help You

How to Prepare for an Initial Consult: 7 Tips (Pt. 2)

On Behalf of | Oct 25, 2014 | Blog, Personal Injury

Picking up from How to Prepare for an Initial Consult: 7 Tips (Pt. 1), below, we will continue to discuss some easy things you may be able to do in order to get ready to meet with an attorney about your potential personal injury case. Taking just a little time to prepare for this meeting can help you obtain some valuable insight about your case and a lawyer.

More Things You Can Do to Prepare for an Initial Consult

Tip 3 – Compile all relevant documents so you can bring them with you.

As you prepare for an initial consult with a personal injury lawyer, do your best to get together all documents related to your accident. Call us for superior representation.

As you prepare for an initial consult with a personal injury lawyer, do your best to get together all documents related to your accident. Call us for superior representation.

As you prepare for an initial consult, another essential step to take is to gather all of the important documents that you may have related to the accident and your injuries. While the nature of these documents will depend on the specifics of your case, in general, some important documents to compile and show a personal injury lawyer can include (but are not necessarily limited to) copies of:

  • A police report
  • Doctor’s diagnostic reports, bills, etc.
  • Damage estimates and repair bills (when your property has also been damaged due to the accident).

If you can only compile some (or none) of these types of documents, don’t worry. Simply explain what you have received (and from whom), and a skilled personal attorney like the ones at Joe M. Reed & Associates, LLC can track all of these documents down in preparation for litigating your case.

Tip 4 – Make sure you include any correspondence with insurers (if applicable).

After some types of accidents (like, for instance, car accidents), dealing with insurance companies will be unavoidable and may become an obstacle to obtaining compensation. If this may be the case for you, then do your best to find all correspondence and any other documents you have received from insurers – and be ready to bring these documents with you to your personal injury initial consult.

When you are able to bring this with you, an experienced attorney can review the various insurance documents, letters, etc. to provide you with clearer answers about the state of your case, its potential challenges and possible value.

For tips 5 through 7, be sure to check out the conclusion to this blog series that will be posted soon!

Montgomery and Birmingham Personal Injury Attorneys at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC

After sustaining an injury that may have been caused by negligence or recklessness, you can count on the Montgomery and Birmingham personal injury lawyers at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC to be aggressive advocates for your rights. For more than 16 years, we have been dedicated to the pursuit of justice in every case we oversee, and our experience, dedication and extensive knowledge of the law makes us effective at helping our clients obtain the best possible outcomes to their important legal matters.

Contact Us

You are invited to attend an initial consultation to discuss your case and learn more about your rights. To set up this meeting today, call us at 334-834-2000, or email us using the contact form at the top of this page. Initial consultations are free in most cases, and evening and weekend appointments are available for your convenience.