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Your Rights During an Arrest: What You Should Know (Pt. 3)

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2014 | Blog, Criminal Defense

Here is the conclusion to our blog series Your Rights During an Arrest: What You Should Know.

While the first part of this blog focused on the specific things you should try to do when dealing with law enforcement officials, below, we’ll point out some of the things you should avoid doing, as certain actions can end up making you seem more suspicious, hurting your defense and/or complicating your defense case.

Your Rights During an Arrest: What You Should NOT Do

The best thing you can do to protect your rights during an arrest is to invoke your right to an attorney as soon as possible. Our lawyers are ready to aggressively defend your rights.

The best thing you can do to protect your rights during an arrest is to invoke your right to an attorney as soon as possible. Our lawyers are ready to aggressively defend your rights.

Here’s what you should avoid doing as you exercise your rights during an arrest:

  • Try NOT to be rude, abrasive or aggressive with police – Being detained, interrogated and accused of a crime can be as frustrating as it may be maddening, particularly when cops are being abrasive or rudely accusatory with you.However, do your best in these situations to keep your cool and try to stay as calm as possible. Being rude or abrasive back to law enforcement officials will never work in your favor. In fact, if your anger causes you to be aggressive with cops, you could end up facing additional criminal charges, including resisting an arrest.
  • Do NOT lie to cops – As police officers ask you questions, do NOT lie about anything; it’s better to keep your mouth shut than to start trying to mislead or misinform law enforcement officials. The reason for this is that, if you do you end up facing criminal charges in the future and the truth behind the lies you have told is ultimately uncovered, you can lose a lot of credibility with cops, prosecutors and even with a jury if your case ends up going to trial.
  • Do NOT forgo your right to have a lawyer defend you – If police officers do end up placing you under arrest, police should read you your Miranda Rights, which essentially inform you of your Fifth Amendment rights, including disclosing your rights to have a lawyer represent you.Regardless of whether police read you your Miranda Rights, however, remember that you should request an attorney as soon as cops start questioning you. Foregoing your right to an attorney will not make you look “innocent,” nor will it help your defense case later if you are charged with a crime.

Montgomery and Birmingham Criminal Defense Attorneys at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC 

Have you or someone love you recently been arrested and accused of a crime? If so, you can count on the Montgomery and Birmingham criminal defense lawyers at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC to be aggressive advocates for your rights. For more than 16 years, we have been dedicated to the pursuit of justice in every case we oversee, and our experience, dedication and extensive knowledge of the law makes us effective at helping our clients obtain the best possible outcomes to their cases.

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Let’s discuss your case and your best options for your defense. To set up this meeting today, call us at 334-834-2000, or email us using the contact form at the top of this page. Initial consultations are free in most cases, and evening and weekend appointments are available for your convenience.