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6 Important Stats & Facts about Pedestrian Accidents (Pt. 3)

On Behalf of | Feb 28, 2015 | Blog, Car Accidents, Driving Safety, Pedestrian Accidents

Ending our blog series 6 Important Stats & Facts about Pedestrian Accidents, here are a few more things that can be crucial to know about these types of traffic accidents.

Pedestrian Accidents: Additional Important Info

5 – Pedestrian accidents are preventable.

These facts about pedestrian accidents are key to understanding how to prevent them. Contact us, however, when you need help obtaining compensation after pedestrian accidents.

These facts about pedestrian accidents are key to understanding how to prevent them. Contact us, however, when you need help obtaining compensation after pedestrian accidents.

Up until this point, the facts and stats about pedestrian accidents that we’ve pointed out have been on the grim side. This fact about pedestrian accidents, however, can bring hope to the situation, as these traffic accidents are preventable when both pedestrians and motorists understand and are in compliance with traffic laws.

In fact, here are just some of the things that the NHTSA recommends when it comes to preventing pedestrian accidents:

  • For drivers, the recommendations are to only drive when they are focused, rested and sober; to always be on the lookout for pedestrians; and to always be in compliance with traffic laws.
  • For pedestrians, the recommendations are to wear bright clothing, follow traffic laws and avoid alcohol prior to commuting.

In fact, if both drivers and pedestrians simply committed to the “sober” recommendation above (i.e. both parties avoided alcohol when they were traveling on the roads), nearly half of all pedestrian deaths that occur each year in the U.S. could be prevented.

6 – When negligence leads to pedestrian accidents, victims can count on our lawyers for experienced help.

All of the facts and stats about pedestrian accidents that we’ve highlighted so far in this blog series are important; however, this is the final fact is the most important one to remember if you or someone you love is ever hurt in a pedestrian accident.

The reality is that, after pedestrian accidents:

  • Victims will probably need to focus on their physical and emotional recovery.
  • Retaining an experienced lawyer can be crucial to holding the negligent parties accountable and getting effective help with their financial recovery.
  • When insurance companies get involved, the fight for justice and compensation can get more complicated, as these companies can challenge legitimate claims and present formidable obstacles to injured people obtaining the payouts they deserve.

So make sure that you are able to secure the compensation to which you may be entitled after pedestrian accidents by retaining one of our trusted motor vehicle accident lawyers today.

Montgomery and Birmingham Car Accident Attorneys at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC

Have you or someone you love been hit by a negligent driver? If so, you can rely on the Montgomery and Birmingham car accident lawyers at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC to be aggressive advocates for your rights. Our attorneys are dedicated, determined and dependable. This has been the cornerstone of our success and will be pivotal in getting you the best possible results for your case.