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Alabama DUI Probation: FAQs (Pt. 3)

On Behalf of | Feb 15, 2015 | Blog, Criminal Defense, DUI Penalties, DUIs

Concluding our blog series Alabama DUI Probation: FAQs, below are some more responses to frequently asked questions regarding probation for DUI cases in Alabama.

Alabama DUI Probation: More Answers

Q – Can I drive during my Alabama DUI probation?

While these Alabama DUI probation FAQs provide some helpful info, contact us when you need a strong DUI defense. We are skilled at favorably resolving DUI cases.

While these Alabama DUI probation FAQs provide some helpful info, contact us when you need a strong DUI defense. We are skilled at favorably resolving DUI cases.

A – Maybe. How your driving privileges are affected by your DUI case and Alabama DUI probation will depend on the specifics of your case and your criminal record (if you have one). In general, however, we can tell you that:

  • There is usually a driver’s license suspension that goes into effect within days or weeks of being arrested for a DUI.
  • Some people may be able to get their driving privileges reinstated early.
  • If there are limitations imposed on a person’s driving privileges, such as orders to have ignition interlock devices on one’s vehicles, that individual must abide by all of these restrictions.

Q – What happens if I’m accused of violating my Alabama DUI probation?

A – Allegations of violating your Alabama DUI probation can be very serious and can cause you more trouble and problems with the court. In fact, when people are accused of violating their Alabama DUI probation:

  • The consequences will depend on the nature of the alleged violation.
  • It’s possible for people to be immediately incarcerated.
  • If the violations lead to criminal charges of violating probation, the case can get much more complicated, and it’ll be crucial to retain an experienced defense lawyer to help resolve this new case.

Some of the various actions that can lead to allegations of violating Alabama DUI probation can include (but are by no means limited to):

  • Failing a drug test
  • Not enrolling in and/or completing court-ordered alcohol education programs
  • Not completing court-ordered community service
  • Not paying court-ordered restitution
  • Driving before one’s license has been reinstated
  • Being arrested for another DUI
  • Being arrested for any other criminal offense.

Q – Do I need a lawyer if I’m accused of violating my Alabama DUI probation?

A – You do if you are serious about favorably resolving any new cases or challenges stemming from allegations of violating your Alabama DUI probation.

The bottom line is that, although the terms of Alabama DUI probation can be strict and tough, complying with them through the entire probationary term will be crucial to:

  • Successfully resolving your DUI case
  • Moving on with your life.

Montgomery and Birmingham DUI Attorneys at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC 

After being charged with any drunk driving offense, you can count on the Montgomery and Birmingham DUI lawyers at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC to be aggressive advocates for your rights. For more than 16 years, we have been dedicated to the pursuit of justice in every case we oversee, and our experience, dedication and extensive knowledge of the law makes us effective at helping our clients successfully resolve their DUI cases.