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Since 2012, Only 561 IIDs Installed in Alabama after DUI Convictions, New Study Reports

On Behalf of | Jun 1, 2015 | DUIs

In 2012, a new law went into effect in Alabama, requiring that ignition interlock devices (IIDs) be installed on the vehicles of motorists who have been convicted of:

  • A new study has found that, over the three years a new DUI law has been in effect, only 561 IIDs have been installed in the state, a trusted Birmingham & Montgomery DUI lawyer explains.A new study has found that, over the three years a new DUI law has been in effect, only 561 IIDs have been installed in the state, a trusted Birmingham & Montgomery DUI lawyer explains.A first-time DUI with a BAC of 0.15 or more (or other associated aggravating factors)
  • A second (or subsequent) drunk driving charge.

Given that between 9,000 and 10,000 people in Alabama are convicted of DUI each year, it would seem logical to assume that at least 1,000 or so IIDs would be being installed on vehicles each year in the state.

However, a recent study done by a prominent Alabama news provider has found that, in fact, this is not the case at all – over the three-year period that the new IID DUI law has been in effect, only 561 ignition interlock devices have been installed statewide.

Reactions to IID Findings

The findings described above have, predictably, generated some concern (even outrage) among safety proponents, legislators and others.

Speaking to these concerns, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Advocate Frank Harris stated:

Let’s say there’s about 10,000 DUI convictions a year. We would hope to see at least 5,000 interlocks installed…There’s over 1,000 ignition interlocks installed in Mississippi right now. And that’s pretty amazing considering that Mississippi didn’t have three and a half years to build up to this law like Alabama did.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Donna Tate, an employee of one of three companies in Alabama that is authorized to install IIDs. Specifically, Tate explained that:

Slow is an understatement I guess you would say [in regards to the 2012 Alabama IID law taking effect]… It’s challenging. But I do have a deep understanding of what it is like on the other side… I think we’ve got to be patient. I think we’ve got to encourage our partners in the criminal justice system to be as aggressive as possible [about enforcing the IID law].

What do you think about the findings that the IID law is not being implemented? Do you find this to be relief or a concern? Please share your comments and opinions with us on Facebook & Google+.

Birmingham & Montgomery DUI Lawyer at Joe Reed & Associates, LLC

When facing DUI charges, you can count on a trusted Birmingham & Montgomery DUI lawyer at Joe M. Reed & Associates LLC to be an aggressive advocate for your rights and help you resolve your case as favorably as possible. For more than 16 years, our attorneys have been dedicated to the pursuit of justice in every case we oversee. Let us put our experience, dedication and extensive knowledge of the law to work helping you craft the strongest DUI defense.

To find out more about your best DUI defense options, as well as how we can help you, contact our firm today by calling us at 334-834-2000 or by emailing us using the contact form at the top of this page. Initial consultations are free in most cases, and evening and weekend appointments are available for your convenience.